Monday, November 19, 2012

Feeling under the weather

I woke up today feeling a little under the weather and it lasted through the day.  Nothing serious, just lethargic and I didn't feel like doing anything.  Thank God there were a few football games on to fill in some of the time.

Ron K had asked about helping him transfer some old files from an 8-10 year old computer running under Windows 98.  Wow, that brought back some old memories.  I haven't worked with Win 98 for a long time and had to refresh my memory a number of times.  We kept running into a catch-22 situation transferring the files.  It is a desktop without a monitor so we used his tv as a monitor.  Then the flashdrive wasn't recognized by the system and also the external Belkin modem was too new for the system.  The system wouldn't recognize a blank CD so that didn't work either.  Hummm, now I will have to think about this further.  I have an older external disk drive and that may work, so I will check it out soon.

Judy and Steve arrived at the park today and I chatted with Steve a few minutes while he was de-winterizing their 5th wheel.  They had to winterize in MN before they left and waited until they got here and were out of freezing temps to finalize the job.  Welcome back Judy & Steve.  I am sure there will be a trip to the Guadalajara Cafe for happy hour soon.  

Now to get to bed early so I feel human again on Monday.   Good night all.

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon.
    Tell Gerry i will e-mail her.
