Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More hot days

Grant had an appointment today so we took him home in time for the meeting. He said he would rather stay at the motor home and skip the meeting but went willingly, so I guess it wasn't so bad for him.

We did a little caching after dropping him off and then met up with Barbara & Henry at Big Al's Pub and Grubberia in the Mint Hill area. It is basically a bar that served hot wings and sandwiches. Hot wings don't agree with me so I had a club sandwich and Gerry had a steak chunk appetizer. Barb & Henry had the wings and we all managed to stuff ourselves with food and drink. The bar wasn't that full and we were able to have a nice conversation without all the background noise you typically get in a place like that.

By this time Gerry and I were running low on energy and we headed back to the MH while they went home. All this running around is taking it's toll on us.

It has been very hot these last few days and they have issued ozone alerts for Wednesday.  Sounds like a good excuse to stay close to the MH and take it easy.  For once I agree with the weatherman.

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