Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Arizona Bike Tour

Each year about this time a bike tour group appears at the rv park and sets up their tents.  This was one of the largest groups we've seen at the park with over 40 tents for the bikers.  Everything is catered for the group and they use the outdoor pavilion for their meals.

 This is one section of tents for the bikers along with some very expensive bikes.  There were two different areas of tents and this was the smaller section.

Time for some repairs.

Nice bikes.

3 stragglers coming in late

2nd group of tents
 They were a quiet group and slipped out of here this morning heading for Sierra Vista or Tombstone.  It's about a 78 mile drive to Tombstone which is about 73 miles further than I would want to ride a bike along side of a busy road.  Good luck all, maybe we will see you again next year.

We went to coffee and donuts this morning at the rec center and the crowd was a lot smaller.  People are leaving every day and the park is starting to look deserted again.  Once again we did not win the lucky buck drawing, but we continue to hold out hope that our number will come up a winner.

Gerry joined the quilting group after coffee and worked on a quilt for herself.  It is coming along slowly, but should be speeding up since she finished all the small details getting ready to make the quilt.

Other than the above, it was a quiet day around here.   Some days are like that and after the St. Patrick's Day celebration it was a welcome break for us.  Now to dry out and get back on track.

That was it for us.  Hope you had an exciting and interesting day.

1 comment:

  1. That is a bunch of tents. I personally think they are all nuts but good for them. We haven't had anybody leave yet but I know there are several leaving the end of March. Then by April 15 it will really be quiet. We didn't win the 50/50 yesterday either. Jim says we've donated for four years and that is enough.
