September 27, 2014
Gerry and I attended the annual "Outspokin' Banquet Fund Raiser" for MD Salem Children's Trust on Saturday, September 27. It is a fund raiser for the Salem Trust and honors contributors and outstanding friends of the Trust. Gerry has been a member of Chi Sigma sorority since 1965 and enjoyed belonging to the group all those years. The sorority performs charitable work, is a big supporter of the Salem Trust, and in addition, a great fellowship organization.
We had an opportunity to try out our new car on some mountains and even a couple 9% grades. It performed well and handled nicely. The banquet was held in Bittinger, MD at the Mennonite Church Hall. We weren't sure how long it would take to drive there and arrived early. As a matter of fact, we were the first ones there and got a ringside seat.
Gerry, Kitty, Louise, Mary, Judy & Marilyn pose for a picture. Louise was the founder of Salem Trust and retired a few years ago, but came back for the banquet.
There was a silent auction with some nice things that Gerry had been eyeing. It turned out that others had the same idea and Gerry came away empty handed, but with some money left in her wallet. She did set a max limit on one item and then proceeded to bid more than double her original max bid.
Chi Sigma was selected as the "Friend Of The Year" award and the members went up and posed with the Executive Director of MD Salem Trust (Todd Meecham) and Kristen Fischetti (cute woman next to Gerry) who was in charge of the event. Todd outlined all the gifts and support to Salem Trust over the years from the sorority and it was a significant amount.
Dr. Woodrow Kroll, former president of Back to The Bible Ministry was the speaker. He gave an inspiring speech relating the overlooked child, mentoring, and nurturing from the bible and as it related to the children in Salem House. He is an excellent speaker and kept everyone's interest.
One other speaker, Justin, was a past student at Salem who told his story about growing up. He was abandoned by his mother, grandparents, beaten, treated worse than a dog, moved from foster parent to foster parent and had a miserable life. Finally at 11 yrs old he came to Salem and they turned his life around. He is now a Senior at a college and looking to working toward a Master's Degree and PHD. With his determination, I believe he will make it. Salem requests that pictures of the students not be posted, otherwise I would show you this fine young man.
The school chorus entertained us at the beginning of the banquet and also at the end. They tried their best and had a couple good singers and were entertaining.
After the banquet we drove to Kitty's summer house in West Virginia and spent the night with her and daughter and son-in-law. More to come on that.
I took the following from the Salem Trust webpage in case anyone is interested in learning more about them.
Maryland Salem House
Restoring Hope

The Maryland Salem Children's Trust, Inc.,
founded and functioning on Christian principles, provides a home,
therapy, and educational services to children who have been abused or
neglected, or have educational or behavior needs that require a
residential or day school placement.
The Maryland Salem Children's Trust is licensed by the
Maryland Department of Human Resources to provide long-term group home
care and short-term shelter care to children placed by the Department of
Social Services, Department of Juvenile Services and children placed
privately by their parent(s).