Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

M e r r y
C h r i s t ma s

It is that joyous time of the year again and we are ready to enjoy the Christmas celebration.  We will go to Christmas mass on Sunday and then relax the remainder of the day.

Our house was the center of Christmas celebrations in the past and since we are out here in the desert once again the family is spread apart.  I've included some pictures from past years.

2001 Tree
2003 White Christmas and snow in our backyard.
Short blog today since everyone is busy with their Christmas preparations and time to read this blog is limited. 

Update:  We each had a piece of pie; mincemeat for me and pumpkin for Gerry.  As usual, it was superb.  It was difficult sitting here and smelling the pies in the oven without snitching a piece early.  I've been know to do that in the past.

Merry Christmas to all from Gerry & Larry.

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