Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spider question

Short blog today and I've got a question for you nature lovers, or pest control people.

What kind of spider is the one shown below?  Any guesses would would be greatly appreciated.

Follow up to what the spider is called.  Larry Jr. correctly identified it as a Marbled Orb Weaver (Araneus marmoreus).  His prize for the correct answer is a free week at our cabin west of Gettysburg, PA.  Have fun!


  1. The spider looks like it is on the grill of your car so my guess is a dead spider.

  2. Looks like a Araneus marmoreus (Marbled Orb Weaver)

    Bet you didn't know I knew that much about spiders, huh? Neither did I. Here's the link... http://dpughphoto.com/spiders.htm
    About 1/7th of the way down the page...
