Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fort Stockton, TX

When we arrived in Las Cruces the price of gasoline at the Pilot gas station was $3.47/gallon.  The exit for us to get there was closed for construction so we continued on to the campground.  Yesterday the price of gasoline in most stations in Las Cruces went up 14 cents a gallon.  Now, we all know there isn't collusion among the gas companies, so I guess it was a coincidence that they all moved in unison.  Pilot went up to $3.57 so I guess they didn't get the word.  We stopped by this morning on our way out and with our 2 cent/gal discount got it for $3.55.  Of course I had to insert the American Express card twice and then the Visa once to fill the tank.  Cost of doing business.

We got on I-10 East around 11am after doing all the chores around the motorhome.  It was time to flush the tanks, so that held us up somewhat.  We had an uneventful drive through El Paso (heavy traffic) and didn't stop until we got to Fort Stockton, TX after driving 290 miles.  Gerry managed to get this photo of the Texas star at the state line entering Anthony, TX.  They have three of them on an overpass leading to the FlyingJ truck stop.

She also got this shot of a hillside in Juarez, Mexico.  I can't read the sign that well, but will have to blow up the picture and see what it says.  The gigantic white letters up there on the mountainside proclaim: "La Cuidad Juarez La Biblia es la verdad. Leela." Translation: City of Juarez The Bible is the truth. Read it.   

We chatted with a worker at the gas station and he said the violence in Juarez isn't as bad as in past years.  I commented that they had killed off each other and there weren't many drug smuggler left there.  More than likely is that one gang has seriously decimated the other gangs or maybe they have called a truce.  I feel so sorry for those people who have to live there in constant danger. 

This truck passed us a couple times and appeared to be hauling a bathosphere or something like that.  It was painted a bright orange and you couldn't miss it going down the road.  You never know what you are going to see out on the interstates.  Other than that, the West Texas countryside doesn't look that inviting or interesting.  The part along the Rio Grande river east of El Paso had a lot of irrigation and green fields and looked nice, but the rest was dull and dry.

We knew we were getting close to our destination when we saw the welcoming committee on the hillside.

We finally pulled in to a Passport America campground called Parkview RV south of Fort Stockton.  About the only thing I can say about the campground is that it is a cheap, no frills campground sitting in a rock and sand field.  The electrical power is very good, and that is great since it is hot hot!  It's nice having cable tv out here since I doubt if we could get a signal on the external batwing antenna.

Oh, did I say it is windy here?   The MH is rocking and it should be an interesting night.  We are used to wind out here, so it should be a problem.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. We stopped at the Costco in Bolingbrook today and happened to check the price of gas. Now it's just off I-355 in Bolingbrook on the Will/Cook county lines. $4.19 a gallon for regular unleaded.
    We're getting it cheaper than that down our way. Under $4 so far but the Speedways and weekends bring it up.
