Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Slow days

I wish I could write about all the interesting things we have been doing the past three days, but then I would have to make up stories.  We haven't done much of interest and nothing to write about.  Some days and weeks are like that.  At least we don't have any new calamities going on in our lives.

We did visit our lawyer and get some paperwork updated and that is a load off our shoulders.  It was something we have been planning on doing all summer and never got around to finishing it.  We can put that task in the completed column.

Another task that needs to be taken care of is getting new passports.  When we lived and worked overseas it was easy getting a passport renewed through the Embassy, but that avenue isn't available to us now.  We picked up the applications last year and it is still on our to do list.  Once I get this nose problem fixed up we will get our pictures taken and apply for the passports.  Hopefully.

Thursday I go in for another checkup on the nose operation and hope I get some good or encouraging news.  The thought of spending much more time up here at the cabin isn't pleasant for either of us.  It is fast approaching the cold weather that we like to avoid and the last thing we want to do is be here when it snows.  If we have to stay a lot longer, we may move the motor home to a local campground and stay there.  At least we would have fewer miles to drive and have TV reception.  

We are meeting our friends the Nolans for an early dinner on Thursday after the doctor appointment.  They will be driving up from the Rockville area and we will be down in Frederick, MD at the doctor which is about midway for all of us.  It looks like The Olive Garden will have the pleasure of our company.

See how short I can make this blog when I don't have anything to say?  

Have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost easy to write about nothing. I once wrote quite a blog about not having anything to write about, and I seem to remember Rick of Vancouver Island doing the same. This year I put four chapters of a book I'll never finish into the blog when the action was slow. You cheated, though, because you talked about something that actually happened! Get that nose fixed and get out of there!
