We had an exciting ride down to the Dr including a super rain storm. When we went up the hills on I-70 we were hydro planing quite a lot. I slowed down considerably and that helped, but everyone else was driving like it was a dry road. We ran in the rainstorm for almost 20 miles before we got out of it. Since the Dr.s office is about 85 miles from the cabin the rain delay slowed us down a lot.
Once we got out of the rain, we were stopped for 10 minutes by two huge tractor trailer trucks hauling I beams for the Cross County Connector highway being constructed. They must really have to plan a lot in detail in order to transport these beams from the foundry to the job site since they are so long and tall. See for yourself. I don't know how they managed to navigate the road they come from since there is a small rotary in the middle of the road about 1/2 mile from this intersection. It would be interesting to see them place these huge I beams in place over the highways they cross. I imagine one would have to stay up late at night to see that. Humm, maybe we can do that since we stay up so late anyway.

Then it was on to the road to the Dr where we ran into a long line at a construction site for the new road. Wow, what else could go wrong. We finally made it to the appointments, however we were a few minutes late.
We made a quick run to the local wine shop and picked up some supplies for Gerry and then met old friends Diane and John for an early dinner at the Olive Garden in Laurel, MD. We hadn't seen them since last year but John and I talk on the phone on a regular basis so we didn't have to spend all the time on catch up chatting. We enjoyed the meal there and headed back to the cabin.
About a mile down the road we ran into a detour and it being rush hour, it was a mess. I had the GPS with me so we plotted another route through alleys and side streets and got around the mess.
On the way back we called bil Tom to check on the status of their dog who underwent surgery yesterday. She came through the surgery minus a part of her jawbone and three teeth, but seems to be on the road to recovery. Hope all goes well with her recovery.
The ride home was uneventful and we had time to photograph an old spring house along the side of the road near Smithsburg, MD. I would like to go back and get some more photos of it in good light since the late shadows hide the pond.