Friday, November 4, 2011

Getting ready to leave

Today was load the motor home, put things into the storage container do all the little tasks that need to be done in order to get on the road.  The longer we stay in one place, the harder it is to get back in the travel mode.  It is nice to have the space in the cabin and all that goes with it, but we tend to bring in stuff to make it easier to live here.  Then we need to remember to bring it all back when we want to leave.

It was also time for us to get all the banking tasks finished before we leave.  We needed to access the safe deposit box and drove down to the bank.  When we went to get the key to the box, we found out that it was on the other key ring back at the cabin.  Luckily, Cassie has a key to the box and we went over to her house and picked it up.  Back to the bank and transfer what needed to be done.  Just a little task like that takes 2 hours or more.  

Gerry needed some blood work done before we left and the closest place closed just before we got there.  On to the next closest place and get the blood drawn.  Another 45 minutes.   Time does go by fast when you are in a hurry.

Since we were down there, we stopped by the Rolling Mill restaurant for dinner.  We were very surprised to see we had a 15 minute wait to get seated.  It was the busiest we have ever seen it there.  I think everyone who was trapped in last weekend wanted to get out and have a nice dinner out.  We did.  Cassie ordered  a dessert after the bill had been paid and then waited for the server to return for the money.  She never did.  The owner is a friend of theirs and he stopped by to see how the meal was and when Cassie said fine, but we needed to pay for the dessert, he said don't worry it was on him.  Nice guy and a good businessman.

It was 54 years ago today, November 4, 1957, that I started work for the FBI and reported to the Old Post Office bldg for indoctrination.  In those days you had to wear a suit to work and they preferred you also wear a hat.  Not a baseball hat or cowboy hat, but a fedora or something like that.  No hat for me.  I had one suit and a couple white shirts and that was what I wore until I could purchase another suit.  We took the shirts to a Chinese laundry in the neighborhood and they starched the collars so much it would rub my neck raw.  Oh, those were the days.  No casual Fridays when J. Edgar Hoover was in charge.  Image was everything.

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