We both thought the documentary was very well done and should be shown in American High Schools and Colleges to show the other side of the story the students are presented today. Or, in the case where American History isn't taught, at least one side of the story. I would highly recommend that everyone should see this film and draw their own conclusions.
When I expressed this recommendation to some people regarding "Obama's 2016", they said they wouldn't watch it because it was anti-Obama. Judgement and not even seeing the film. Sort of like putting your head in the sand.
We are camped in an urban setting and don't have any trees, so we brought in some substitutes in place of them. These are just down the road from us and if we put some branches on them it would look like a forest. What do you think?
We went over to Barb & Henry's house for dinner and a movie this afternoon. We had leftover Meat Pie Roma (superb) and then watched the movie "Non-Stop" with Liam Neeson. We all enjoyed the movie and couldn't figure out who the bad guys/gals were. If you like suspense and drama, then this is the movie for you.
No, I am not a movie critic, but I know what I like.
We saw Non-Stop at the $2 theater in Mesa and loved it. We also couldn't figure out bad vs good. Never heard of either of the documentaries. I'll have to track them down. I can't believe Gerry won't let you buy the tractor. I'll be posting a picture on my blog hopefully tomorrow that might just work for you guys. lol