Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby Carnations & Dinner

Barbara brought some flower starts over to Larry & Jane on Sunday and today was planting day.  The baby carnations started their lives in Illinois in the 1950s and have traveled from IL to Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.  We got the original starts from my old football coach and his wife, ( Charles & Betty Heinz ) and then gave them to Barbara where she has taken them from house to house as they have moved.   Cassie also has some flowers from the starts and now Larry Jr. will have some starts.

Baby Carnations
It has been very hot here lately and they decided to get an early start around 8am when the area was shady and relatively cool.  Barbara also gave them some Iris plants and they put both groups of flowers in the same bed.  

I heard a small motor running and couldn't figure out what it was and looked outside and saw Larry Jr. using his small roto tiller.  His soil is red clay and very thick, so he added some mulch to the mix.  Their dog Guiness was doing what he could to help speed up the process.  

Barbara got off work at noon and Gerry wanted to watch a TV program they recorded for her a month or so ago.  When we got there to watch it, she had already seen that episode.  It was a good one so she watched it again.  They worked on some card crafts after that until it was time to go to Sean & Taylor's home for dinner.  

Henry and Barbara joined us for a delicious stuffed chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables and biscuit dinner.  She topped it all off with a strawberry tart dessert.  Excellent meal and as usual we all walked out stuffed to the gills.  Since they had to get up early for work in the morning, we called it an early night. 

Sean & Taylor
 We then returned to Larry Jr's house and watched some TV with them and admired Grant's new WWII helmut.  He was very proud of it and wore it while we watched TV and took it to bed with him.  I hope he didn't sleep in it.  

It was a long day and we called it quits after 11pm and retired to the motorhome.  Exhausted, but we had a great day with the family and that is what it is all about for me.

Good night!

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